River Cleanup.

Community-Driven Conservation Effort.

Join us in our mission to preserve our portion of the Arkansas River through our annual River Cleanup event. Held on the Sunday before the Blossom Festival, this community-driven initiative brings together volunteers of all ages and abilities to make a tangible impact on our local environment.

Removing Litter, Restoring Habitats.

During the River Cleanup, volunteers work to remove litter and debris from the riverbanks, ensuring the natural habitats of local wildlife remain unspoiled. From walking clean-ups to boating expeditions covering 45 miles from Upper Bighorn to Florence, there are opportunities for everyone to get involved.

Volunteer posing after helping Royal Gorge RIO with the annual river cleanup

Raising Awareness, Fostering Stewardship.

But our River Cleanup is more than just picking up trash—it's about raising awareness and fostering a culture of environmental stewardship. Throughout the event, educational programs are integrated to teach participants about responsible waste disposal, the harmful effects of littering, and the importance of preserving our precious waterways.

Canon City residents helping take trash of the lower Arkansas River

How to Participate.

Ready to roll up your sleeves and make a difference? Whether you're a seasoned volunteer or new to environmental activism, there's a place for you on our team. Join us as we work together to protect and preserve the Arkansas River for generations to come.